Industrial design law encompasses a designing process applied to products that are to be manufactured by mass production, this is the creative act of significant characterization of a product's form, shape and features, which takes place in development of the creation of a product.
In legal sense, an industrial design constitutes the ornamental aspect of an article, an industrial design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape of an article, or two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colour.

Industrial Design (ID) is the professional practice of designing products, devices, objects and services used by millions of people around the world every day. Industrial designers typically focus on the physical appearance, functionality and manufacturability of a product, though they are often involved in far more during a development cycle. All of this ultimately extends to the overall lasting value and experience a product or service provides for end-users. Every object that we interact with on a daily basis at our home, office, healthcare centre or public setting is the result of a design process. During this process, countless decisions are made by industrial designers and their teams that are aimed at improving our life through well-executed design.

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