What is Trademark?​

Trade = Business
Mark = Product/ Services that marks your identity.
For example, any brand or sign with a logo design, any font based or signature can be registered under trademark.

Benefits of Trademark.

If your trademark is registered, you will get in security in the entire country. If your business is worldwide, no one can copy your brand in entire World.
It will be easy to sell license or franchise.
You get a legal cover after trademark registration which is a proof that you are the legal owner of given trademark. If someone copies your brand, you can stop them by your business name. This protection is given after registering in Trademark Ordinance 2001. If you are doing a business and it isn’t registered, in case of any dispute, you will have to prove that you are its legal owner and you are likely to lose your business. If your brand is not registered, you do not have the ownership of it as well. Not registering your business is the same as not having a national identity card. If in case you do not have your ID and someone asks for your identification, what will you do?

Who can get trademark registered and what is its procedure?

Trademark can be registered by any individual, AOP partnership firm, Private Limited Company or any limited company. For example Evolution is consultancy providing company, Novice is a pharmacy, Riwayat is a restaurant and Acson is an electronic company and like this any brand can be registered. Normally, it takes 12 to 18 months to register a trademark. But, once you file an application, you are given a number after which you can add tm to your brand. Once you are given the certificate, you can use sign of R with your name.

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